
ラベル(satori leila)が付いた投稿を表示しています


久々に書くブログの内容ではないのですが、備忘録として書いておきたくて、ペンを・・・じゃなくてキーボードを打っています 数日前から、レイラが夜中に咳き込むようになりました。 レイラはサトリ同様、日本での生活を一緒に楽しんだ家族です。日本での生活を知ってる同志です 国立市桜通りにて 数年前に、軽い心臓弁膜症と腎臓機能の低下を言われたので、心臓には薬、腎臓の為には特別食にしていました。レイラはチャイニーズ・クレステッド・ドッグのパウダーパフ。平均寿命は突破して、今年の6月20日で15歳になるのですが、病気と上手につきあってきてたのでこのまま16歳まで行くかな?と思っていたのですが・・ 少し様子を見て、病院に予約を入れようとサトレラパパと話していました。 そしたら、今日の午後から、咳が頻繁に、そして長引くようになったので、明日、予約を入れることにしました。アメリカは予約が必要なのです。これは人間の場合も同じ。 緊急の場合は救急病院へ行く事になり、べらぼうな を取られます サトレラパパが言い出すだろうな、と思っていたらやっぱり言いました。 「病院へ行って、診断によっては・・・・。」 サトリを安楽死で見送った記憶が戻って来ました。 そう言えばサトリの命日が6月9日。 「レイラは家で看取りたい!」 と言ったのですが、サトレラパパの言うように、自分の気持ちで、レイラが苦しんでいくのをいいと思うのか・・・。 「まだ、先生がどういうかわからないじゃない。」 と、サトレラパパに訴えました。 「勿論そうだけど、心の準備は出来ているかと思って。」 と言われ、 頭でわかっちゃいるけれど 、まだ自分の気持ちが納得していないのはわかります。 日本と違って、アメリカの獣医さんは、この動物たちがどのようにこの病気に立ち向かう事になるのかと言う事を判断し、苦痛がくるものであれば、安楽死を考えるように言われます。 サトリの時もそうでした。サトリの時は、もう私は覚悟していたので獣医さんから言われた時、動揺することなく受け入れられたし、サトリの顔を見た時、サトリの心をのぞいた気がしたから。 だから、レイラは家で命を全うして欲しいと強く願ったのですけれど・・・ ま、まだ安楽死と決まったわけじゃない。 ちょっと心

The two after the other two have left

It was a hot day yesterday as usual. But I expected the rain to fall, because I saw the dark cloud among the white cloud. And I felt a gentle breeze on my cheek. So I didn't put a heat-break shirt on Leila. But I was wrong.  On our way to a Home centre, it became a scorching hot day.  We changed the route to the shop and went through a park. Leila enjoyed the pond looking down the carps. Birds were resting.     Leila usually doesn't care about the heat as Satori. But she began to pant. On our way back home, I often offered  water, but she drank little.  And she became quiet and kept on walking. I took her to the park we passed by before, For a while, we stayed at the park and enjoying watching somebody's property which is one of my favourite around this area.  There are some farmers with land.  This is the one of them.   Then Leila seemed to be recovered, and her tail is up. So we went back home.   What I had to bu

Winter is coming

First of all, I should announce that our K9 Games team, "Wandrous" didn't make top five this time. But we deserved it. And at the same time, the other teams' improvement of the skill amazed us. We usually starts our dog training after April. But probably the other teams start after the K9 Games Champion Ship. So our leader, Nacchan, has made up her mind to start our training a bit earlier next year. OK! I will follow her decision anyway. We stayed at a cottage around the event site the day before the Games, which we enjoyed to us. visiting a nice park near Mt.Fuji Having dinner at a nice restaurant with my nice friends & Look! What a big sweets! This was not mine. But suddenly an insane murderer appeared and tried to kill the pie. aiiieee!! photo by Nacchan In the night, we shared the cottage wit


Thank you very much!! our 'Wandrous' team has earned a place in The Champion Ship at K9 Games® in November 8 !!! Frankly speaking, I never ever expected it. That's why I have already put my uniform in order in my closet ;-p written by Arwen

K9 Games® qualifying trial

Have you ever heard of K9 GAMES® ? Dr.Ian Dunbar who is a veterinarian, animal behaviourist created this competitive games for dogs and owners and the games were held in 1995 in San Francisco. In Japan, they were held in 2005. In subsequent, 2006,2007,2008 and 2009. At the first and the second competition, I participated with Satori. Then our team, 'Dogs In Black' won a prize at the first time K9 Games® in Japan. 2005  waiting for the Doggy Dash 2006 'Dogs In Black 'team members The third time, I was in the games with Leila. It was a big challenge for us because she was a bit shy when she was among dogs. 2007 'Wandrous' members in the dance costume But I think she did her best. I skipped joining in 2008 because of my private matter. Then I participated in the games with Leila this year again. Team 'Wandrous' photo by Hata We won third prize among six teams. After all, I thought we needed some mor

Good by and thank you. Satori's mama, Tella

On the 3rd of September, Tella died. Tella was a beautiful dog who delivered lots of puppies in this world, including our Satori. She died just before being 12 years old on the 9th of this month. photo from my website presented by NS abfiCH CJ's Sweet Tarantella of Kuro, CGC, TT, OFA, ROM September 9, 1997 - September 3, 2009 We really thank Tella who let us have such a nice girl, Satori. Our beautiful girl, Satori (Does she look like mama?) Tella, we won't forget you! May her spirit rest in peace.


It passed for ten days since Satolela papa went abroad. Three girls here in Tokyo are getting on well with each other ;-) And we really take good care of our house. My friends envy me because they think that all I can do during Richard's absence is doing for myself only. No! not only for me! For my fur daughters, too. And to tell the truth, even he is in Japan, he goes to a martial arts school every day and come home late. So as for me, our daily life now is not so big difference from when he was at home. Well....., but maybe my friends are right. Because I don't go shopping for meals and don't need to be worried about what to cook for dinner. By the way...... Do you remember the story of 'The Bridges of Madison county'? Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson, for four days. Yes, something happened while Richard is away from home . Should I tell him what happened when he comes back? or not? Actuall

Verious Changes in Leila

One of our dogs, Leila, a Chinese Crested Dog, often looks different because of her fur. She is very unique. Questions! "Who do I look like?" OK! I will let you know the answers below. Picture No.1 is an alpaca (as reference) In Japan, the alpaca who is called Kurare is the most famous alpaca. This species became very popular these days as a healing animal because of their character and figure. Picture No.2 is a Gremlin (as reference) or Gizmo? (as reference) Picture No.3 is an Old English Sheep Dog. (as reference) Picture No.4 is a Lochen. (as reference) Picture No.5 is a Westy. (as reference) So how many answers did you get correct? All of them? Good job!!! written by Arwen